Getting started

What you need to know to start using readyforwhatsnext.

System requirements

What you need in order to be able to use readyforwhatsnext model software on your machine.

Installing readyforwhatsnext model modules

To implement a modelling analysis with readyforwhatsnext you need to install model module R libraries.

Terms of use

readyforwhatsnext is distributed without warranties under open source licenses - we just ask you to appropriately cite it.

The readyforwhatsnext model

readyforwhatsnext is an in-development modular economic model of the systems shaping the mental helath of young people. It is comprised of four sub-models.

Modules pipeline

Unreleased software and other preliminary work is currently being developed into readyforwhatsnext model modules.

Last modified January 25, 2024: first pass (1bd8c44)