Create a synthetic population of young people attending primary mental health services
We created a basic synthetic dataset of to represent a clinical youth mental health sample.
We created a basic synthetic dataset of to represent a clinical youth mental health sample.
Using modules from the scorz R package, individual responses to a multi-attribute utility instrument survey can be converted into health utility total scores. This tutorial describes how to do for adolescent AQoL-6D health utility.
Using modules from the specific R package, it is possible to undertake an exploratory utility mapping analysis. This tutorial illustrates a hypotehtical example of exploring how to map to EQ-5D health utility.
Using modules from the TTU R package, it is possible to implement a fully reproducible utility mapping study. This tutorial illustrates the main steps using a hypothetical AQoL-6D utility mapping study.
This tutorial illustrates the main steps for predicting AQoL-6D utility from psychological and functional measures using a longitudinal dataset in long format.
This tutorial illustrates the main steps for predicting AQoL-6D utility from two psychological measures using a longitudinal dataset in wide format.
Using tools (soon to be formalised into ready4 modules) from the youthu R package, it is possible to find and deploy relevant utility mapping algorithms.