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Provide advice

ready4 needs the guidance of community members, decision-makers and technical experts to shape its development.


We need advice:

  • to help review and update our priority goals and develop, refine and implement strategies for achieving these goals;

  • to help plan and execute modelling projects that produce transparent, reusable and updatable computational models; and

  • to identify how our existing software and data can be usefully improved.


We wan advice from our users (coders, modellers and planners), stakeholders (funders, researchers and community members) and other supporters (those with relevant expertise in technical communication, building open source communities, product development, etc).


Advice can be provided by:

  1. Participate in the advisory structures and events of individual modelling projects. The nature of these opportunities will vary by project and the team responsible for implementing each project.

  2. Flag software features, usability and documentation issues. If you have the capacity and willingness to also fix the issues you can approach this using the process for making a code contribution. Otherwise, you can do so by creating an issue on that software projects repository in our GitHub organisation. For example, to create a new issue relating to the ready4 foundation library, use (you will need a GitHub account).