Posts in 2024

  • Posters dataset releases

    Saturday, June 08, 2024 in Datasets

    Featured Image for Posters dataset releases

    Releases of the dataset of posters from academic conferences are reproduced below. Date Dataset Version Number of files 25-May-2022 readyforwhatsnext posters 1.2 2 18-Mar-2022 readyforwhatsnext posters 1.1 2 25-Feb-2021 readyforwhatsnext posters 1.0 …

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  • Toy (synthetic) datasets releases

    Saturday, June 08, 2024 in Datasets

    Featured Image for Toy (synthetic) datasets releases

    Releases of the datasets that are intended inputs or outputs of hypothetical applications of modules are reproduced below. Note these datasets are toy / fake / synthetic data and are for instructional uses only - they are not for use in models to …

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  • Model datasets releases

    Monday, January 22, 2024 in Model data

    Featured Image for Model datasets releases

    All current releases of datasets to be used in conjunction with modules for modelling people (the Spring To Life model), places (the Springtides model), platforms (the First Bounce model) and programs (the On Target model).

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