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Terms of use

readyforwhatsnext is distributed without warranties under open source licenses - we just ask you to appropriately cite it.

1 - Open source licensing

readyforwhatsnext is freely available to all under copy-left licensing arrangements.

To help ensure the models we develop are as transparent as possible and to make their algorithms as useful to others as possible, all readyforwhatsnext software is free and open-source. You are encouraged to make as widespread use of our software, including the creation of derivative works, as you see fit, so long as it is consistent with each item’s license. Our software is typically licensed under GPL-3, a copy-left open-source licensing regime.

2 - Citing readyforwhatsnext

If you find readyforwhatsnext useful, please cite it appropriately - it is easy to do!

To make it easier to cite our software, each software item bundle includes a CITATION.cff file. Inclusion of this file means that the repositories storing our software can generate appropriate citations in the format of most relevance to you.


  • Zenodo provides a free text field under the heading “Cite as” which enables you to generate a wide range of citation manager and journal specific citation outputs. There is also an “Export” tool that will generate citation metadata in multiple output formats;
  • OpenAire Explore has a “Cite this software” button that allows you to generate a citation in multiple journal formats or to download BibTeX or RIS files;
  • Github repositories have a “Cite this repository” button that can generate both BibTeX and APA output as well as link to the Citation.cff file.

Additionally, we have included a CITATION file in each of our R libraries so that you can generate a citation from within an R session using the citation function (for example: citation("ready4").

3 - Disclaimer

readyforwhatsnext is distributed without any warranties.

All readyforwhatsnext model software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Furthermore, no readyforwhatsnext model software is yet sufficiently well documented and tested to be given a production release. All readyforwhatsnext model software should therefore viewed as experimental development releases.