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The readyforwhatsnext model

readyforwhatsnext is an in-development modular economic model of the systems shaping the mental helath of young people. It is comprised of four sub-models.

1 - Modules for modelling people

Modules to model the characteristics, relationships, behaviours, risk factors and outcomes of young people and individuals who interact with young people are collectively referred to as the “Spring To Life” sub-model. A table summarising Spring To Life module libraries for modelling people is available. Additional information (e.g. tutorials and blog articles) about currently available Spring To Life modules is labelled with the “model-modules-people” tag. Resources about Spring To Life datasets are tagged with “data-datasets-people”. Brief information about additional unreleased Spring To Life modules that are in development is also available.

2 - Modules for modelling places

Modules for spatio-temporal modelling of the environments that shape young people’s mental health are collectively referred to as the “Springtides” sub-model. Both Springtides module libraries for modelling places that are available are highly preliminary and lack tutorials to demonstrate their use. A deprecated app built using these libraries is available for illustration purposes. Resources relating to preliminary and unreleased modules for the Springtides model is tagged with the “model-modules-places” tag and those relating to compatible datasets are tagged with “data-datasets-places”. Brief information on unreleased work in progress module libraries are also available.

3 - Modules for modelling platforms

Modules that model the processes, eligibility requirements, staffing and configurations of youth service platforms are collectively referred to as the “First Bounce” sub-model. No First Bounce modules are yet available - see details on unreleased work in progress.

4 - Modules for modelling programs

Modules for modelling the efficacy, cost-effectiveness and budget impact of youth mental health programs (e.g. interventions for prevention, treatment and wellbeing) are collectively referred to as the “On Target” sub-model. There are currently two development releases of On Target module libraries for modelling programs but both are highly preliminary. Resources (including tutorials) relating to these module libaries is tagged with “model-modules-programs”.