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News About readyforwhatsnext
- Predicting Quality Adjusted Life Years in young people attending primary mental health services
- Modelling the mental health impacts of COVID-19
- readyforwhatsnext - conference posters now available
Predicting Quality Adjusted Life Years in young people attending primary mental health services
We applied our youthvars and TTU modules to developing a dataset of transfer to utility models that can be used to predict adolescent weighted AQoL-6D health utility from a range of psychological distress, depression, anxiety and functioning predictors. Vignettes from the youthu R package illustrate (using fake data) how these models can be used to derive Quality Adjusted Life Year predictions. A preprint describing this study is now available at: The three toolkits, the dataset and the pre-print are outputs of the Spring To Life model of people.
Modelling the mental health impacts of COVID-19

Combined Springtides and University of Sydney model predictions
One of the preliminary applications of the Springtides model was to provide initial predictions, early in the COVID-19 pandemic about the potential mental health impacts of the pandemic in the absence of government intervention. That original analysis was undertaken in May 2020 in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Sydney and was subject to media coverage, both at the time and in December 2020.
Code-libraries and datasets for Springtides will be publicly released in the future, but a brief overview of the modelling approach is described from the 55 minute mark of the below webinar.
readyforwhatsnext - conference posters now available

readyforwhatsnext spatial systems dynamics model poster
International academic conference poster presentations relating to the readyforwhatsnext project have been made available in the project’s scientific summaries dataset The two posters that have been uploaded summarise the project’s conceptual model and how its systems dynamics model was adapted to develop the Springtides spatial epidemiology simulator.

readyforwhatsnext resilience conceptual model poster